Digital Signage vs. Traditional Signage: The Fall of Traditional Signage


While the traditional signage model was successful for a long time, in the modern era, digital signage is in demand and provides much more value.

Digital Signage Vs. Traditional Signage

Today the market governs the efficiency, adaptability, and connectivity of the new systems, so old methods are at a disadvantage. For example, a company dedicated to the creation of traditional signage is tied to input distributors, designers, and the manufacturing and placement process. As the complexity of production increases, the visibility of the organization decreases. Therefore it is much more challenging to achieve the objectives while coordinating with multiple suppliers. Under these conditions, a problem in the chain can generate an overflow in all other sectors and affect the industrial process.

Also, the costs for the end-user represent another inconvenience of complicated solutions. According to a survey, users of this traditional signage indicate that, on average, they use about 167 posters per location, and almost all of them are made of paper, cardboard, wood, and metal, with a cost per impression with a distribution of approximately 3.2 million dollars a year. As a result, digital signage solutions have initiated a gradual shift towards interactive digital signage and thus obtain greater diversity.

Before starting with interactive digital signage, traditional signage companies must understand some of the details of the economic challenge they are about to face.

  • The initial costs are high: the digital screens, the software, and the installation of the equipment imply a high first investment (it depends on the quality to aspire). Anyway, all these elements yield top benefits in the short-term.
  • The previous experience is fundamental: the digital technology demands technical expertise since it is not enough to plug the screens. You must have a comprehensive technological perspective because, in addition to software and content, it is also necessary to focus on the ways of installation, maintenance, and the specifications and replacement of equipment.

The technical team at the height of the circumstances: More technology also implies a higher possibility of making mistakes, and this is a problem that affects even the most significant and best-prepared companies in the market. One solution is to have a quality technical.

The future of Interactive digital signage:

Digital signage solutions personalize the experience of buying, learning, and collecting general information from consumers. Even though they provide companies with a series of data about their customers, that would otherwise be impossible or very expensive to obtain. As technology advances, the digital signage market expands, and traditional signage companies must accommodate that reality to become a market option.

This does not mean that they are doomed to disappear. Today there are still companies that carry out marketing campaigns with a combination of digital signage with static mode. However, they must accommodate their new veracity and find new ways to combine their products with unique and interactive digital signage systems. Call us for digital signage in Canada

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